Arts And Environment | Acomodadores | ACTS | Adoration Chapel |
Altar Servers | Altar Society | Bingo | Boy Scouts![]() |
Catechism - Continuing Christian Education(CCE) | Catholic Daughters | Children Liturgy | El Coro Hispano |
Cub Scouts | Day School![]() |
DECC | Early Childhood Center![]() |
El Pack 152 | Extraordinary Ministers | Gabriel Project | Girl Scouts |
Greeters | High School Youth | Knights Of Columbus![]() |
Lectors |
Legión De María | Life Teen![]() |
Liturgy Committee | Movimiento Familiar Cristiano |
Music, Choir, And Cantors Lindsey Faleiro, Choir Director |
New Parishioner Orientation | Grupo De Oración | Parish Council 2015 |
Pre Bautismal | Proclamadores De La Palabra | Proyecto Gabriel | RCIA |
RCIA For Children | RICA | RICA Para Los Niños | Sacristans |
Santa Comunión | Scripture Study Group | Shut-Ins and Hospitalized | Stewardship |
St Vincent De Paul Pantry | Theresian Community | Ushers | Vocation Committee |